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GPay Insights

Adding an insights feature to the existing GPay app
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Project Overview

Adding a feature to the existing GPay app. This is a conceptual project that I worked on as part of the DesignLab course.

My Role

UI/UX Designer
(Sole contributor)


UX Research
UX/UI Design
Usability Testing


80 hours




Dhaval Gandhi
View Prototype

Project Background

GPay is a digital wallet platform and online payment system developed by Google to power in-app, online, and in-person contactless purchases on mobile devices, enabling users to make payments with Android phones, tablets, or watches.

Problem Statement

How Might We design an insights feature embedded into the app that provides users insights into their expenses?

My Design Process

1 Empathize

Secondary Research
Competitor Analysis
User Interviews

2 Define

User Persona
Empathy Map
Project Goals
Information Architecture

3 Ideate

UI Kit
Hi-Fidelity Design

4 Prototype

Hi-Fidelity Prototype

5 Test

Usability Testing
Priority Revisions


To better understand how to solve the problem, we need to understand our users and delve deeper into their behavior. Conducting research will help us understand the emotional, social, and irrational drivers that affect the way our users behave.

To gain the most out of this phase, a clear research plan was created.

The Research plan has research goals, questions, participants, methodologies and respective timeline.

Secondary Research

Google Pay is a payment app developed by Google for paying bills, and payments to contacts, stores, and businesses. There is a huge market for UPI Payments, GPay (Formerly Tez) is one of the leading payments apps out there.

It was launched at the ‘introduction phase’ when people were getting aware of online for there daily domestic payments.

  • India now has approximately 460 million people using the internet; that number is only growing. The heterogeneous landscape has many contradictions and complexities, with even network quality fluctuating from 4G to 2G in a blink.
  • In the last 4 years, instant bank-to-bank transfers via Unified Payments Interface (UPI) have become the preferred mode of payment for millions in the country.
  • Google shares 44% of Peer to Peer UPI market share, which makes it the segment leader.
  • Widely used in Tier 1, 2, and 3 places. Fewer in rural area. Widely popular among millennials.
  • It's businesses include Shops and departmental stores.
  • Though Google Pay is used widely, it has fierce competition with other players in market like PayTM, PhonePe, BHIM.

User Interview

I conducted user interviews to gather quantitative data and gain insight into the potential users.


1 Female and 3 Male
were interviewed


Age Range
60% of participants
were above the age of 25




Interior Designer
Software professional

User Needs

  • Users need an intuitive interface that enables them to track all their expenses seamlessly.
  • Users need insights on their spendings.
  • Users need a better UX experience in searching.
  • Users need to be able to be able to keep a track of all their expenses at one place without having to use multiple apps.
  • Users need a way to navigate through transactions using search or filters.

User Pains

  • Users had to scroll through a lot of content on homepage to access basic features like check balance or transaction history.
  • Users found it difficult to search through transactions.
  • Users felt rewards being given for transactions were repetitive and mostly coupons that they would not use.
  • Users felt they had no visibility when it comes to how much they are spending.
  • The users found it frustrating to find contacts each time for those they transacted with frequently.
  • The users had to use multiple apps to track their monthly expenses though they use wallets for most of the payments.
  • The users felt frustrated with the people section on homepage. They felt too many contacts that were not recent are displayed.
  • Users felt frustrated trying to figure out the payees' names since they are not displayed as per their saved contacts.

Key Insights

  • 75% of users preferred googlePay wallet over others for its minimal UI and faster payment process.
  • 25% of users used PayTM only for businesses that were not covered by googlePay like Challan Payment, Metro recharges etc.
  • All Users used other apps or manual effort for tracking weekly or monthly expenses.
  • Only 25% of the users used an expense management app for tracking the expenses.
  • All Users felt uncomfortable on using expense management apps due to security and privacy issues. Expense management apps scan messages and mails in order to create an expense report.
  • 50% of Users had used split payment feature and had issues with not being able to split any other way except equally.
  • 50% Users confessed not inputting a note or random notes while transferring. They felt frustrated later on when tracking the transactions
  • All users were frustrated when trying to search for a particular transaction in transaction history.
  • Only 25% of the users knew that you could create a checklist for your regular payments and set a reminder for them.

Competitive Analysis

A competitive analysis was conducted with competitor wallet payments.

Competitive Analysis


Now that we have got some key insights from our research phase, we need to understand who is that we are designing for? What our goals will be?

With the insights achieved from the research phase, I created an empathy map & a User Persona to highlight the behaviors, goals, frustrations, and motivations of the user

User Persona

Meet Sam, a 26-year-old student from Bangalore, India. She lives away from her family in a rented apartment shared with friends. She struggles to keep her expenses in check as she makes most of her transactions digitally.

User persona

Project Goals

Our next step is to figure out the project goals to chalk out our next steps ahead. For a product to succeed, the business and user goals need to go hand in hand.

Below pictorial representation shows us the user goals (our main hero here!), business goals (we need to create a product that sustains), and technical goals (providing a seamless experience).

Project goals

Information Architecture

Our last task for the define stage is to create an information architecture. This is an important step in our process. A detailed Information Architecture will help us visualize the hierarchy and organization of information in our product.

You can view the detailed information architecture here

Google Pay Information Architecture



I kickstarted the ideate stage by sketching my ideas on an iPad before proceeding to create low-fidelity Screens.

Sketching enables me to give my ideas a concrete shape before I proceed to digitize them. I iterated before zeroing in on what fits my goals and research best. Below are the final sketches.

Onboarding Sketches

Google Pay onboarding sketches

Insights Sketches

Google Pay insights sketches


Based on the sketches, I created mid-fidelity screens to better define the hierarchy, visual depiction and styles.

Onboarding Wireframes

Google Pay Onboarding Wireframes

Insights Wireframes

Google Pay Insights Wireframes

You can have a look at all the wireframes here

Hi-Fidelity Screens

After defining the UI kit, I created the Hi-Fidelity designs. Below you can see the responsive screens for Desktop and mobile.

Onboarding Screens

Hi Fidelity screens for onboarding screens

Insights Screens

Hi Fidelity screens for Insights

You can have a look at all the Hi-Fidelity Screens here


Below you can watch a quick prototype preview of the Gpay Insights module.

Gpay Insights Prototype preview


Usability Testing

To test if our approach to the problems we defined to solve is right, I created a Usability Test Plan and conducted usability testing with our working prototype.


2 Female and 3 Male


Age Range
80% of participants
were above the age of 25




Software professional
Sales Manager

The user is an active user of the GPay App, using it for some or most of their transactions.

Tasks to perform

Task 1:
To go through the onboarding process of the Goggle Insights feature.

Task 2:
As an existing user, explore the Google Insights feature to get insights on their expenses.

Test Findings


  • All participants found the feature simple and easy to navigate.
  • All participants expressed they would check in on the feature frequently (some on a daily basis/some on every transaction).
  • 4/5 participants expressed interest in using the UPI for most of their transactions. They appreciated the feature as it would help them track all their expenses in one place.
  • All participants liked the contextualized coupons created based on their expenses. They mentioned a number of times how it piqued their interest to use the feature frequently.
  • All of the participants liked the budget information section.
  • All of the participants expressed how useful it is to have consolidated data on all expenditures under different sections and insights based on them in one place.

Pain points

  • 2/5 of the participants did not notice the Edit budget link.
  • 4/5 of the participants were searching for the button to download the insights report.

Opportunities for improvements

  • Place an edit icon next to the Edit Budget label.
  • Provide a feature to download/share the insights report at end of every month.

Priority Revision

Prioritizing the suggestions, pain points, and patterns observed from participants, the following changes were made.


Educate users about provision of editing budget.

Priority revision to Educate users about provision of editing budget.


Provide a way to let user download insights report



Key Learnings

Adding a feature to an existing product is a challenging and enriching process. I learned a lot about the product and how its design keeps the users hooked.

Throughout the design process, from research to usability testing, it was interesting to see how users reacted to the product differently, and it was a great learning curve for me.

Next Steps

My next step is to explore the different facets of the expense management within the app.

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